Starting in 1999 with the hour long documentary 'Goin' Down to South Park' with Trey Parker and Matt Stone for Comedy Central, World's End Television has produced a wide range of quality programmes for every major UK broadcaster including the BBC, Channel 4, ITV, MTV and Sky One.

Specialising in comedy, entertainment and popular factual, World's End's credits include sketch shows; 'Katy Brand's Big Ass Show', sitcom; 'Top Buzzer', drama; 'Dead Casual', entertainment: ‘Mark Watson Kicks Off’, talk shows; 'Live at Johnny's' & 'Johnny Vaughan Tonight', game shows; 'Passport to Paradise', documentary; 'Call Girls; The Truth', and authored factual entertainment; ‘Katy Brand Vs’, 'Adam & Joe's American Adventure' & 'Boy George's Queerest TV Moments'.

Since 2003 World's End has made BBC Radio Five Live's multiple Gold Sony Award winning Saturday morning comedy sports show 'Fighting Talk' which will return in August 2019 for it’s 16th series. In 2006 World’s End helped create and incubate the production of the award winning website